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Park Rangers Describe The Oddest Thing They've Ever Seen On The Job
Antoine Beauvillaine/Unsplash

Working at parks seems like an idyllic sort of job, doesn't it?

You get to be out in nature, enjoying the scenery, relaxing, and absolutely not dealing with aggressive naked people.

Spoken like someone who has absolutely never worked in parks because, evidently, aggressive naked people are pretty standard.

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Frisky Lioness Pulls Out All The Stops Trying To Get The Attention Of Oblivious Male—And She's Truly All Of Us
Lucia Meeks/YouTube

Both in human society and the animal kingdom, females often have to express their interest with all the subtlety of a steamroller to make their intentions clear to oblivious males. No one understands the struggle better than the lioness in this viral video, who goes far out of her way to try and attract a nearby male lion's attention to no avail.

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