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Parents With Estranged Adult Children Explain What Went Wrong

Reddit user bridge2235 asked: 'People who have adult children that don’t talk to you. Why do you think that is?'

woman sitting on black chair in front of window with white curtains

Anthony Tran on Unsplash

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

There are a lot of old platitudes about familial bonds, mostly focused on preserving the relationship with relatives—especially immediate family—no matter what.

But public attitudes have shifted in part due to greater awareness of the harm caused by unhealthy relationships.

Now people discuss relationships with terms like gaslighting, toxic, emotional blackmail and going no/low contact.

The once taboo act of cutting family members out of your life has gained greater acceptance.

But what do the family members—especially parents—excised feel?

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Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition/Unsplash

There's no one way to successfully raise a child.

Tons of books on parenting are available to offer guidance and they are suggestions drawing on different experiences and perspectives.

But who needs books? Not all the answers can be found in them since every situation is different.

Raising children successfully is typically achieved by first-time parents who fake it 'til they make it.

When it comes to talking about the birds and the bees, that's one topic that both parents and prepubescent children tend to be very evasive about discussing.

Sometimes "the talk" is awkward, but other times, it is extremely successful.

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People Break Down The Worst Experiences They've Ever Had At Someone Else’s House
Photo by Eric Muhr on Unsplash

One of the great things about ZOOM is that it's given us the ability to visit with others more frequently.

And we get to mingle from the comfort and SAFETY of our own homes.

You take your life in your hands when visiting other people's places.

I've seen family brawls.

Marital destruction after years of bliss.

And once I accidentally became witness to the theft of a shoe collection.

Not to mention, no toilet is cleaner than your own.

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Sad young man in alleyway
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

All parents want to support their children.

Of course, when they grow up and fly the coop, they can't always help them out of every pickle.

But every so often, when their children find themselves in a bad place or are struggling financially or emotionally, most parents will help their children out without a second thought.

Until that is, their children begin to take advantage of their generosity or find themselves getting into trouble a little too often.

It's situations like these where sadly, the best thing parents can do to help their children, is to cut ties, either temporarily, or in extreme cases, permanently.

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Every family has customs or traditions which are unique to them.

Be it all gathering together to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol every Christmas eve or an annual fried chicken picnic with dark and stormies every fourth of July. They are well aware not everyone does this, which makes it all the more special.

However, depending on the way it was introduced to them, some children are raised to think certain customs or habits done by their family are, indeed, normal.

Only to grow up and realize that theirs might have been the only family in the world which partook in them.

In some cases, this discovery is met with laughs and maybe the tiniest bit of embarrassment.

Other times, it's no laughing matter.

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