parenting mistakes

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Crying woman covering her face with her hands
Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

It's always nice to think that parents are doing everything they can to raise their children, but as humans, they're all going to make mistakes.

But as many people will discover, their parents also taught them some terrible lessons when they were young.

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People Share The Parenting Mistakes That Seem Harmless But Can Really Screw A Kid Up
Caiaimage/Gianni Diliberto/Getty Images

Parenting is tough, and there is no such thing as a perfect parent.

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People Describe Which Mistakes Their Well-Meaning Parents Made Raising Them

Parenting is definitely not an easy task.

Parents are responsible for the wellbeing of a tiny human from the time they're born until they grow up and move out on their own.

They're bound to make a few mistakes along the way.

Some mistakes are definitely more hurtful than others, though.

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Former child here. Parenting is hard, but being a kid is even harder. Everything parents do affects children for life, and little things like constant criticism add up.

itallwenttitsup asked: What's the worst thing you've seen a parent do that will f*ck their child up for life?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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