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Toddler crying at beach birthday party
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Anyone who doesn't have children yet will be told by someone how magical and beautiful being a parent is. Some will even argue that a person's life has not begun until they have kids.

But as some parents will point out, life as a parent is not made up of all unicorns and rainbows, and it certainly doesn't always smell like roses.

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Every parent, most of the time, is trying to do the best job they can. Raising kids doesn't come with a mandatory handbook, so most decisions first-time, or even fourth-time, parents make come from their gut or from learned experience.

Is that experience always spot-on?

That's what we're here to figure out, reflecting on what our parents did to us and whether or not it worked.

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Parents Describe Their Children's Most Embarrassing Public Moments
Julia Taubitz/Unsplash

As a toddler, I used to LOVE flashing my diaper at people from under my dress. My parents used to warn me that my children would be bringers of Karma.

The memory of that warning flashed through my mind a few years back while I was chasing my toddler through Disney as she speed-ran her way through the splash area stripping.

Nudity is frowned upon by the mouse.

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People Break Down The Best Way To Make Friends As A 'Thirty Something'
Free-Photos from Pixabay

With the responsibilities of careers and family and children, it can feel tough to make friends when you're over 30. The days of running up to randos on the playground and saying, "Wanna be friends?" might be far behind us, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to make friends.

NOTE: Remember to follow this advice in a post-COVID world, as safely as possible.

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Parenting isn't always fun. Parents may love their children, but frustration is normal and expected when raising kids.

Things get more thorny once the child is older, too. As a child grows and matures and develops their own personality, parents might find themselves sparring with their children more often than not.

But airing grievances—especially about one's children—can be considered taboo in some circles.

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