opposite sex

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People Divulge The Most Interesting Revelation They Had About The Opposite Sex

Reddit user zenithjonesxxx asked: 'What's the most interesting revelation you've had about the opposite sex?'

The older we get, the more fascinated we become with our bodies and how much they change and evolve with each passing year.

Once we start taking human biology in high school and middle school, we become equally, if not more fascinated by the opposite sex, and the genetic differences and similarities.

Of course, the most interesting discoveries we make about genders different from our own are not always found in a textbook.

Sometimes the most fascinating things we learn about gender come from observations of our friends and loved ones.

That can often lead us to discover things that should have been obvious to us, and other times leave us shocked by what we were completely oblivious to.

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Man and woman enjoying view
Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

Whether it's in family, friendships, or dating, we've all felt misunderstood at some point. But it seems especially common to feel misunderstood by the opposite sex.

Here are some key points that people wished those of the opposite sex would just understand already.

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People Share The Reasons They Sympathize With The Opposite Sex
Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

If you're a human being with friends of the opposite sex, then you've no doubt borne witness to at least one instance that made you aware of the double standards men and women live under.

Men are expected to head out there and grab the world by the balls, so to speak. If a woman does the same, though, watch out. Her daring is enough to malign her forever.

That's just one example, but it's enough to make you sigh and feel some empathy, right?

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Guys Divulge The Most Difficult Things To Explain To Women
Photo by Mihai Surdu on Unsplash

Conversation can be one life's scariest actions. Whoever said it was an art form was 100% correct.

Words are beautiful and language is the bedrock of our lives but boy of boy can it create some problems.

One wrong word, or false noun and it can send a conversation reeling.

Having hard chats throughout life though are just part of the deal of living.

It can be especially difficult in relationships with opposite sex. Women are better at communication, that's just fact.

Men have a more arduous time broaching touchy subjects. Some touchier than others.

Case in point...

Redditor aeronachtwanted all of the gents out there to fess about the times they have to make, what could be uncomfortable, chit chat with the ladies, they asked:

"Men of Reddit, what’s the most difficult thing to explain to women?"
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People Break Down Which 'Physical Flaws' They Don't Mind In Someone They're Dating
Image by analogicus from Pixabay
Pobody's nerfect. Human beings are produced from a chaotic collision of genes that dictate each nook and cranny of their bodies. Then, life comes at them. The weathering impacts of years spent navigating it all begin to add up.
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