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Man yelling into phone
Icons8 Team/Unsplash

A person who loudly mouths their opinion about a certain topic with so much confidence isn't always right.

They're usually lacking self-awareness.

Or they're just being obnoxious.

We know who these people are. They are the ones who think they can get their point across effectively simply by raising their voice because that'll register.

Umm, no.

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People Break Down The Folks They Consider To Be Literally Evil
Alessio Zaccaria/Unsplash

When we feel we have been wronged by someone, we tend to think the worst of them.


Evil, even.

But the concept of what is evil depends on the individual and their level of tolerance.

So what is pure evil then?

It's not always about demons. Because the truth is, humans are capable of doing some of the worst things imaginable.

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People Divulge The One Thing They'll Never Change Their Mind About
Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash

We often surprise ourselves when our opinion on something unexpectedly changes.

Maybe a TV show we thought we hated is much better than we realized, one food pairs with another surprisingly well, it is possible to go a whole day without eating cheese.

On some matters though, we find our mind has not and likely will never change.

On things both significant, such as politics, or more frivolous, such as preferring cats to dogs, or the age old cilantro battle.

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Cashiers Break Down Which Items Cause Them To Silently Judge Customers

It's human nature to have various opinions about the people we come across.

What sets us apart from heathens is that we keep our judgments to ourselves–especially when they are not of the flattering variety.

The people who probably interact with strangers the most are those who work in any type of service industry, and they should be good about keeping their mouths shut if they don't have anything nice to say about a customer or of their purchases.

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