old fashioned

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Obsolete Household Gadgets Younger Generations May Not Recognize

Reddit user motivetodayy asked: 'People born before 1980, What are some obsolete household items or gadgets from your childhood that younger generations may not even recognize?'

Technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few decades.

A lot of formerly everyday gadgets are now completely obsolete.

For example, unless you grew up when 8-track cartridges were a common music distribution medium, the very sight of a cartridge might be confusing.

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People Explain Which Things They Still Prefer To Do The Old-Fashioned Way

Has science gotten to a point where we can make mashed potatoes by just adding water to flakes, producing a smooth and consistent texture?


Am I still going to take the extra time to wash, peel, chop, boil, and mash my own potatoes, getting zero textural consistency but maximum deliciousness?

Also yes.

Because sometimes the "old way" is just better, and I'm very serious about my potatoes.

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People Explain Which Things They Prefer To Do The Old Fashioned Way
Photo by Samantha Lam on Unsplash

The year 2020 has brought us a slew of new headaches and hoops to jump through, all in the pursuit of efficiency.

Unfortunately, efficiency is often just code for 6 tabs open on my smartphone, a forgotten password, and that same smartphone untimely end upon being launched into a nearby concrete slab.

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