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People Break Down Which Things They Can't Believe Still Exist In 2022
Photo by zero take on Unsplash

With all of the advancements in every field over the century, how are some things still so behind?

Shouldn't we be in flying cars?

Why are we still fuel-dependent?

Who in the world is STILL listening to Justin Bieber?!

Redditor joyce_kapwanted to discuss the things we can't shake, even in this modern day. They asked:

"What can't you believe still exists in 2022?"
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People Break Down The Things From The Early 2000s That No Longer Exist
Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Ahhh the 2000s... what a decade.

Times were simpler then. Well maybe not really, but compared to today, nostalgia makes us feel that way.

Who could see the impact of technology?

I never thought we'd move past a desktop.

Now our watches are computers.

And the way music, fashion and film has evolved, sometimes leaves me staggered.

Let's revisit the aughts and see what things were a must have, that are now nonexistent.

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People Explain Which Things Are Slowly Disappearing And Dying Off
SGR on Unsplash

Nothing lasts forever.

While we know this to be true, it hits home after we actually realizing something is gradually fading from existence.

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People Explain Which Professions Are Slowly Dying Out
Image by Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz from Pixabay

With the advancement of new technology, comes a hard sacrifice.

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People Predict Which Practices Will Likely Become Obsolete In The Next Decade
Alex Knight/Unsplash

The world changes so quickly. Technology advancing, social and political landscapes shifting, climate and evolutionary changes impact our way of life and sometimes only in a matter of a few years.

Sometimes those advancements and changes are for the better. We can see the way the world is making our lives easier to live.

At the same time, we could also see the passing phases take a huge hit on our societies.

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