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Every family has customs or traditions which are unique to them.

Be it all gathering together to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol every Christmas eve or an annual fried chicken picnic with dark and stormies every fourth of July. They are well aware not everyone does this, which makes it all the more special.

However, depending on the way it was introduced to them, some children are raised to think certain customs or habits done by their family are, indeed, normal.

Only to grow up and realize that theirs might have been the only family in the world which partook in them.

In some cases, this discovery is met with laughs and maybe the tiniest bit of embarrassment.

Other times, it's no laughing matter.

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A globe
Lucas George Wendt/Unsplash

Different parts of the world are characterized by diversity and culture.

It's what makes us all unique.

But sometimes, it's those differences that can seem perplexing to those who don't have an open mind.

And instead of trying to be enlightened by foreign customs that are "normal", they can be perceived as "strange" or "weird" by outsiders.

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A yellow room. A yellow tub with legs pointing to sky, wearing white pants and brown shoes
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

When we are children, we'll believe anything.

Why wouldn't we?

That is part of being a kid, trusting adults and the world.

And when we're young, we'll believe some really crazy things.

Then as adults, we'll look back in shock at our own innocence.

And we're in shock from the truth and our behavior.

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Image of a confederate statue against the background of the sunset
Photo by Ning Shi on Unsplash

Americans, we sure are an eclectic bunch.

We don't realize just how eclectic until we're outside of the country looking in.

Some of our traditions, several of our rules and TONS of our laws are kinda all over the place.

That's why people love to visit from all over.

Who doesn't want to see the zoo animals from inside the cage?

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The Weirdest Things People Have Seen At A Friend's House They Thought Was Completely Normal
Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

What people do in the privacy of their own homes is their business.

But when you have someone over, you may want to spruce things up a bit.

Maybe cloak a few surprising items.

But maybe what we have or do in our homes seems very run of the mill to us.

So who would know what to change?

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