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The Dumbest Things People Were Ever Scared Of As A Kid

Reddit user _Veron_ asked: 'What was the "dumbest" thing you were scared of as a kid?'

Little girl covering her face
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Hindsight is 20/20, but our ability to look back and realize that a situation wasn't as bad as it seemed won't lesson how hard that situation was in the moment.

This is also true for children and the irrational fears they are facing. Learning later on that those things are irrational will not change how scary those things were at the time, but it's fascinating to look back and see what we feared the most.

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People Describe The Scariest Thing That's Happened To Them While Home Alone
Photo by Nate Neelson on Unsplash

Being home alone isn't always the most tranquil thing.

No one is there to help or protect you.

And things that go "bump" in the night... sometimes they do more than bump.

Redditor ag9910 wanted to hear about the times home felt like an unsafe place to be. They asked:

"What is the scariest, strangest, most unexplainable thing that has happened to you while home alone?"
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Children are very impressionable. They're also little humans, remember, and all quite different. Some are more afraid of some things than others. When I was a kid, some of my classmates were utterly terrified of Chucky, the killer doll.

I think he worked the best in the first film and to a larger extent in the second, but after that? Those movies got a bit ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

Well, the memories linger, as you can imagine.

People took us on a trip down memory lane after Redditor teacatpeng asked the online community,

"What’s something you saw (as a kid) that gave you nightmares for a long time?"
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People Divulge The Most Recurring Themes From Their Nightmares
Enrique Guzmán Egas on Unsplash

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you..." Sound familiar? It should.

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People Describe The Most Traumatizing Thing They Ever Experienced As A Child
Image by Anemone123 from Pixabay

Life is hard. It's a miracle to make it through with some semblance of sanity. We are all plagued by grief and trauma. More and more people of all backgrounds are opening up about personal trauma and its origins. Finally! For far too long we've been too silent on this topic. And with so many people unable to afford mental health care, the outcomes can be damaging.

All of our childhoods have ups and downs and memories that can play out like nightmares. We carry that, or it follows us and the first step in recovery is talking about it. So who feels strong enough to speak?

Redditor u/nthn_thms wanted to see who was willing to share about things they'd probably rather forget, by asking:

What's the most traumatizing thing you experienced as a child?
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