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People Break Down The Nicest Celebrities They've Ever Met
Photo by Jarvik Joshi on Unsplash

If you're from a big city where celebrity sightings are commonplace, or you somehow work in the entertainment industry, you're probably a lot more comfortable with the idea that celebrities are just regular people with a really unique job.

It can be hard to see through the characters they become in the media, but every now and then a person gets a peek behind the curtain. Chance encounters can often reveal who the celebrity is as a human being - and it's shockingly not always a total dumpster fire.

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If movies and TV are to be believed, prison is pretty much always terrifying. Prisoners are always just one scene away from being beaten to death, sentenced to more time for things they didn't do, or being forced to join a gang to be safe.

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It's the oldest profession there is next to acting and they share striking similarities. One would think the poor souls who endure this path would be constantly bombarded with the worst of what society has to offer (well according to tv, film and literature, you'd think that) but surprisingly being a "person" of the night really can be like 'Pretty Woman.' What a mistake we all make in assuming... Big mistake.. HUGE!

Redditor u/_Narcissist_ wanted to hear from the escorts out about a few of their favorite clients by asking.... Escorts of Reddit, who was your nicest customer?

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People Reveal The Nicest Thing Anyone's Said About Them That Stuck With Them

Two or three days ago I was hanging out with a friend I met through my future husband. He confessed some personal stuff to me before the rest of our friends showed up. At the end of the conversation I asked him why he opted to tell me as opposed to anyone else in our friend group. His response:

"You're the kidneys."

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