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Four small baby dolls hang from a barb wire fence
Photo by J Lopez on Unsplash

Sometimes there is no specific reason a person gives others the heebie-jeebies.

Certain people are just born with that vibe.

And other people are just flat-out crazy.

There are small mannerisms and big ticks that just send a clear message to stay a few yards back.

More often than not, we can't exactly put our finger on it... but something inside us just knows.

Better to know and be warned I guess.

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People Divulge The Most WTF Thing That's Ever Happened With Their Neighbors

People living in friendly neighborhoods are lucky. They have the comfort of having a familiar face asking how your day is going.

One might even help out in a time of need, no questions asked.

And then there are those who live in a perfectly fine area but have residents in their midst who have questionable motives.
No matter what the location, you can't apparently escape crazy.
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People Explain Why They Absolutely Hate Their Neighbor

Neighbors, they can be wonderful if you have good ones. However, when things go sideways they can really get crazy. The craziest neighbors this writer has seen are right next to my sister. They bought their home with the one next door still for sale. The realtor, who we went to school with, promised to find her “the best neighbors ever"...PSYCH.

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There's nothing worse than having to live next door to someone you can't stand. It disrupts your life every day, and makes your home feel unsafe and stressful. There are many reasons why someone may hate their neighbors. Here are a few examples, courtesy of Reddit.

u/johnnewburg asked: What do you hate about your neighbors?

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