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People Who Accidentally Sent A Family Member A Nude Picture Describe The Aftermath

Why in this day and age are people still taking nudie pics without triple-checking the recipient?

Why take the gamble?

And half of the time we hit send, mistakes get made.

One minute you're feeling sexy, the next minute grandpa is having a stroke.

Be careful.

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People Break Down The Worst Way Someone Ever Asked Them To Leave After A Hookup
Photo by Maru Lombardo on Unsplash

There are humane ways to tell someone to go home after a... liaison.

How can one be so rude after being so intimate?

I'm not saying you have to snuggle and profess love, but damn, a quick... "thanks, I hope life is kind to you" goes a long way.

Redditor sumyungdood wanted to hear the tea about the times they had to tell a lover to take a hike. They asked:

"What is the worst way someones asked you to leave after sex?"
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People Share The Unwritten Rules Of A Nude Beach
Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

I've never understood the purpose of a nude beach.

Sand is already a nuisance with clothes.

And... I'm not a fan of bodies just naked everywhere.

But I have a friend who lives for them.

They're freeing to him.

So as long as people are happy, I say to each their own.

I'll be at my pool with the fresh chlorine.

Redditor Dazzling_Atmosphere1 wanted to chat about all the things we MUST know when visiting a naked beach. They asked:

"What are some unwritten rules at a nude beach?"
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People Break Down Which Jobs Would Be The Worst On A 'Go To Work Naked Day'
Hemant Latawa/Unsplash

Going to work naked is literally a thing I have nightmares about.

It's also literally a thing I could do because I work from home writing weird articles on the internet and nobody has seen me in the real world since, like, 2016 anyway?

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People Share The Biggest Reasons They Don't Sleep Naked
Snowy Vin/Unsplash

Sleeping naked on sumptuous high thread-count sheets is one of those things that's billed as an ultimate moment of sensual bliss - but for some people it's the ultimate NOPE.

This article is for you never-nude sleepers - and the people who just don't get you.

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