messed up

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The Most F**ked Up Kids' Movies Of All-Time

Reddit user Inflatabledartboard4 was curious about others' childhood cinematic trauma and asked: 'What is the most f*cked up kids' movie?'

When we think of children's movies, we may think of harmless fun.

But that doesn't mean there isn't some seriously messed up content in those films.

Like ever notice at least one parent is almost always dead—or dies!—during every Disney animated film?

Lion King Simba GIF Giphy

Don't even get us started on Old Yeller.


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All parents keep some secrets from their children.

Most of the time, these secrets are relatively innocent, such as the truth about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

However, there are some parents who have withheld some rather shocking information from their children.

Secrets which they hope will never reach their children's ears, for fear it may send them straight to a therapist's couch.

Something which no doubt has happened to many of the parents holding on to these secrets.

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This past June, America's eyes widened in disbelief when the Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade, the landmark decision which gave women the legal right to an abortion.

Members of all political parties were astonished that the Court put mandates on women and their bodies, while certain states swiftly implemented abortion bans.

A definite low point for the United States and the U.S. government.

But was it the lowest point?

Hard as it may be to imagine, the overturning of Roe V. Wade was only one in a long list of shocking mandates and cover-ups and actions the US government was responsible for.

Some have been long forgotten, others which certain elected officials and civil servants are hoping people will forget.

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People Divulge Which F**ked Up Things Everyone Willfully Ignores
Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Who hasn't, every now and again, witnessed someone doing something, or behaving a certain way and thought "that's so f*cked up", or something to that extent?

And yet, off-putting as it was to us, and one assumes many others, we will often witness these things happen over and over again.

Leading one to assume that, "f*cked up" as it is, these off-putting behaviors or things are largely accepted in modern society.

Or, everyone simply chooses to ignore it.

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People Explain Which Childhood Meals They Now Realize Were F**ked Up
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Oh the things we've all eaten.

Sometimes I look back on the day when my stomach was adventurous and I'm stunned at my stupidity.

Or I'm shocked by the adults who were around me.

But even into my 20s things didn't get better.

How we get through life with what we're willing to consume... it's a miracle.

Redditor MawedUpScribble wanted to chat about the questionable menus we've been fed or eaten by choice.

They asked:

"What did you eat as a kid that you now realize was really f*cked up?"
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