mental illness

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People Share The Stereotypes About Mental Illness That They Hate Most
Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Living with mental illness is incredibly difficult. Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020), according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Given that the number is so high, you'd expect the national conversation to have worked out a lot of its kinks–and you'd be right.

But this isn't to say that it's perfect.

Mental health services are in dire need of funding. Additionally, many American citizens find that access to mental health services is out of reach.

And don't get us started on all the stereotypes.

Actually, yes, why don't we get started on those?

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People With Depression Explain What They Wish Their Family Understood

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

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People With Depression Share The Unexpected Ways Depression Manifests Itself

Aneta Pucia/EyeEm/ Getty Images

Depression is a very common mental health disorder, with more than 300 million people worldwide suffering from it. There are several types of depression and many different symptoms, and no two people's experiences are the same. Still, it is sometimes helpful to air out your thoughts and feelings, even to strangers.

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Parents Describe The Point At Which They Knew They Were Raising A Monster

**Fair warning, some of these are a little disturbing and might bring up some stuff for folks who went through childhood or parenting trauma.

Parenting is hard, even when everything goes smoothly.

When children or their parents face extra challenges, it gets even more complicated.

It can take a while to realize that something went wrong somewhere along the line, but after that it can be painfully obvious.

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Mental illnesses affect millions of people and manifest in ways that are unique to the individual. But in all cases, it is not a choice, nor can it just be willed away. The stigma persists, especially for people with PTSD or ADHD, which are often chastized as fake disorders.

Cjborange asked Redditors with mental illnesses: What do you wish people knew about mental illness?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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