mental illness

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Depression Sufferers Share The Worst Advice They’ve Ever Gotten
Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Living with depression is incredibly difficult.

It's made all the more difficult when people share unsolicited advice.

This isn't to say that others don't mean well–they often do–but they may sometimes lack the foresight or tact required for conversations about mental illness.

It's a lot easier to play armchair psychologist than actually learn a thing or two about what life is like for depression sufferers.

That's why a lot of people prefer to live with the disease silently; they'd rather not hear other people's callous remarks and prefer to be spared their judgment.

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Cardi B Shares Candid Advice With Teen Fans On Dealing With Depression
Axelle/Bauer-Griffin / Contributor / Getty Images

Cardi B recently posted a tweet about the unhealthy relationship we have with technology.

She encouraged teens to put down their phones and make some memories in real life.

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