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Medical Professionals Describe Patients Who Had No Common Sense

Reddit user babyhippo01 asked: 'Medical professionals of Reddit, have you ever had a patient so lacking in common sense you wondered how they made it this far. If so, what is your story?'

Doctor with arms crossed
Usman Yousaf/Unsplash

We get it adulting is hard.

But there are some things in life that don't require much beyond a high school education, yet so many people are clueless–particularly when it comes to matters of health and safety practices.

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People Describe The Historical Figures Who Were Mocked But Later Proven Right
Online Marketing on Unsplash

You don't realize you're living in history, until long after the moment is gone.

What can feel like small, mini moments, might add up to something in the long run.

A choice, a decision, an action, all building towards the finality of your life.

Unfortunately, some people's actions might have rubbed others the wrong way, bringing upon themselves mockery and shame.


For being right, it turns out.

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People Confess Which Everyday Things Have A Surprisingly Twisted Origin Story
Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

It's stuff like this which gives birth to the phrase, "This is why we can't have nice things."

Of course, you could always look past the unfortunate history almost every item possesses.

After all, it's not your fault the shoes you might be wearing were invented by Nazis or the car you're about to get into was developed by Nazis or the dealership you drive by was once run by a Japanese company who associated with the Nazis.

Manufacturing has a long, complex history.

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Doctors Divulge How They Really Tell A Patient They Are Dying
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Working in the medical profession simply builds a whole lot of heartache. Doctors watch, day after day, as some of their patients fall ill, only to never recover.

It's a part of the job to break gentle news both to the patients and to their families that their loved one is most likely not going to make it. Having to tell someone they're dying, and force them to deal with their own mortality, brings up a special kind of hell.

Some people have had to develop coping mechanisms to get through it.

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The world has changed significantly in the last twenty years. Back in the day, you could just step out of the house and be gone all day and no one could contact you unless they were back home or used a payphone.

Nowadays, people expect us to be connected all the time, which is super frustrating in its own way. But it's hard to imagine the world as it was before, right? And it's pretty wild that we just accepted it for so long, that is until technology advanced enough!

Society has changed... for better or worse. People shared their observations after Redditor Silkhide asked the online community,

"What was the most f**ked up thing that was generally accepted twenty years ago?"
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