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Men Share The Best Thing A Woman Has Ever Said To Them
Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

It's always nice to receive a compliment, no matter who it's from.

Though many men feel especially warm inside when they are complimented by a woman.

Maybe they finally caught the attention of a woman they've been pining after for ages or are simply reminded by their long-term partner that they are loved.

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Men are confusing creatures, even to other men. We do weird things, act tough for no reason, and often fear emotion. Why? Who knows.

Rancerle asked men of Reddit: What about men confuses you?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Part of being an artist or creative of any kind is getting used to rejection - and a lot of it. Your family may not "get" what you do. Your friends aren't likely to be super supportive and buy your work. Most publishers and record companies only want re-hashes of things that have been successful in the past. Even J.K. Rowling was rejected a kajillion times before Harry Potter made it to the public eye.

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Music festivals are nothing new. They've been a staple of the rock n' roll experience for generations. We like to think of our parents and grandparents as being more mature and responsible than we were, but remember - nothing is new, children.

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We'd all be lying if we said we'd never taken even a little bit of joy in messing with someone. You may have to lie to the people who know you in person, but c'mon. This is the internet, we're all friends in our mutual horribleness here.

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