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Being the boss can really suck.

I've done it a few times.

One of the worst things is terminating people.

It might sound glamorous and it can be a slight power trip.

But in the end it sucks.

Even when people deserve it, being the messenger is stressful.

Nobody wants to ruin another person's day or life.

Let's see who else agrees.

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Angry People Explain Why They Are Mad
Christopher Ott on Unsplash

Everyone is on edge in this current climate.

And all it takes is one grievance committed by another to make a person snap.

Someone going postal could be the result of a significant other's infidelity, appalling customer service, or individuals on either side of an argument over abiding by certain health protocols.

And that changes day to day, or even by the hour.
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People Explain Which Things Everyone Takes Way Too Personally
Image by SHEIKH JALAL from Pixabay

Whether it's due to stress, upbringing, the impacts of social pressure, or just having a very bad day, some people can't help but take things very personally.

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People Describe The Most Absent-Minded Way They've Ever Destroyed Their Electronics
Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

I hate technology. It has ruined society as a whole. But that is a chat for later. My equipment, I swear has a mind of its own.

That is why it's even more frustrating when my tech and I have fights, and I have to throw down. Of course there are times when I am just negligent and ornery. Never throw a laptop. But who isn't set into a rage when they see that damn rainbow pinwheel?

Deep breaths. Be careful with electronics, Apple, has enough money.

Redditor u/ImGeronimo wanted to discuss the evil of technology and it's consequences by asking:

What is the stupidest way you've ever ruined an electronic device?
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People Share The Strangest Reason Someone Ever Got Mad At Them
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Why are you mad? It's unhealthy. Do we even comprehend why we're miffed half the time? I don't, I've lost track. Although, I do get angry at the drop of a hat. So each origin can be arduous to track.

There really is no exact explanation as to why tempers can be set off. Of course, we are in sensitive times and emotions are are always at an edge, so that doesn't help.

But we really need to do some serious examining into what sets us off so easily. Anger is not an emotion that is sustainable or often has to do with logic. But let's try to find some...

Redditor u/KingOfJuiceBoxes wanted to discuss the times we've all been surprised by anger of others by asking:

What is the stupidest reason someone got mad at you?
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