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Messy living room in an apartment.
Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash

Sharing a home with a roommate is always a balancing act.

Particularly if it's a roommate you settled for, rather than chose to live with.

While some roommates proved to be a match made in rent-controlled heaven, others find themselves to be less than compatible.

From constantly having to clean the dirty dishes they left in the sink, to dealing with them blasting music on full blast at all hours of the night when you're trying to sleep, some people never manage to jump from being roommates to being friends.

Making the day they can finally afford a place of their own to be truly the happiest day of their lives.

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People Break Down What We're Living In The Golden Age Of
Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

They say everything that glitters isn't gold, and it's easy to feel like 2022 is just dumpster fire after dumpster fire.

But not everything is on fire.

Some stuff might actually be golden right now.

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Europeans Explain What They Imagine Life Is Like In The United States
specphotops on Unsplash

As tourists, we enjoy exploring foreign cities and seeing famous sites in person.

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People Break Down Which Things Everyone Should Experience At Least Once In Their Life
Philipp Kämmerer on Unsplash

They say life is too short. That may be because there is so much to experience in one's lifetime, it's not possible to do it all.

But why not go out there and try as much as possible?

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Is it just me or is life getting too expensive to survive?

Gas is up, housing is up, food is up... seems like breathing is up.

Heck, even death costs a pretty penny. You basically have to just walk off into the sea and never be heard from again so nobody is in debt for a funeral.

The list is endless...

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