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Movies Where It's Easier To Root For The Bad Guys
Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Who doesn't love a good villain?

If we really stop and think, we might realize that it's the villains, not so much the heroes, who have all the best lines.

Not to mention, often the most striking wardrobes as well.

Which doesn't mean that we don't cheer and feel vindicated to see them pay for all their awful deeds.

Most of the time.

In some rare cases, we might find ourselves siding with the supposed antagonist.

Leaving the theater wondering what exactly is so bad about them, and scratching our heads as to whether or not they got what they deserved.

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The Best Sitcom Characters Of All-Time
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There is little more comforting than lounging on the sofa, and binging your favorite sitcoms.

What ultimately makes sitcoms so comforting, in addition to the clever writing and improbably affordable apartments, are the characters.

Why Friends continues to gain a new legion of fans, even nearly 20 years after its finale, is the fact that those watching often want Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Joey and especially Phoebe to actually be their friends.

Or wish their own friends' dynamic was more like that iconic sextet.

Indeed, people would be much less hesitant to show up for work if they knew The Office's Jim or Pam would be waiting for them, or think that their school days might have been more pleasurable if taught by Abbot Elementary's Janine Teagues.

Characters who are so lovable, it almost breaks our hearts that they aren't real.

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People Debate Who Is The World's Most Universally Liked Person
Johan Godínez/Unsplash

The most universally liked person is a high honor, and a very tall order to fill. That means the 7.753 billion people on the planet need to not only have heard of who the person is, but also find them to be admirable in some way.

If there's anyone we know, they have to have some level of notoriety because of their deeds, their celebrity status, online or television personality, or accomplishments.

We tend to idolize celebrities because we can peer into their lives and feel like we know them. The bits of their personality that are shown to us tend to be the most likeable if their PR is doing a good job.

It's also possible that they're just a genuinely good person.

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People Break Down Which Things Make Someone Instantly Likable

What makes someone likable? A smile, the way they speak, how they treat others? What is the quality you notice first? The thing that stands out the most when meeting a new person for me isn't simply if they have good qualities but how natural it seems to be for them.

If they had to pause and think about it to make a big gesture out of doing something nice they probably aren't like that in their downtime. The people who volunteer and do good deeds without posting about it, telling everyone about it, and just go on like that's a normal part of this day--those are my people.

Recognition is great but the people who do good deeds in private, those people typically have good hearts.

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