life savers

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First aid kit and stethoscope
Photo by Kristine Wook on Unsplash

Life hacks that make adulting easier and more fun are constantly trending on social media, but these hacks do not typically focus on safety.

The irony is that, while knowing how to organize our cabinets more efficiently is great, it will not save someone's life.

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People often think that buying expensive gadgets will help improve their lives. Sometimes, though, the most helpful things are pretty cheap.

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People Break Down Which Products and Electronics They Wish They'd Purchased Earlier In Their Lives
Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

I hate electronics because they tend to hate me first! I swear every electronic item I purchase, I always get the lemon.

I've been through twenty DVD players. My last iPhone I had to return and trade out three times before I got the correct one. So I try to steer clear of all electronic must-haves.

I'm learning that I have been without some necessities for a while now.

So let's get my list together.

Redditoru/MrBrian22wanted to know what we should immediately run out to the store for, by asking:

What tool, device, or appliance do you wish you would have bought earlier in your life?
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