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Image of a confederate statue against the background of the sunset
Photo by Ning Shi on Unsplash

Americans, we sure are an eclectic bunch.

We don't realize just how eclectic until we're outside of the country looking in.

Some of our traditions, several of our rules and TONS of our laws are kinda all over the place.

That's why people love to visit from all over.

Who doesn't want to see the zoo animals from inside the cage?

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Americans Divulge How They Feel About European Attitudes About U.S. Gun Laws
STNGR Industries on Unsplash

The American public has seemingly appeared to grow weary over the frequency of mass shootings around the country making news headlines.

The obligatory thoughts and prayers response in the wake of a gun-related tragedy has almost become laughable as there is hardly any substantial progress in spite of numerous petitions and protests lobbying for stricter gun legislation.

It's not surprising then that outsiders have such strong views toward gun violence and gun laws in America.

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Laws are not always ethical, are they?

While most are implemented to keep the peace and prevent people from stealing from one another, there are many which feel wrong. Whether it's who they're hurting or what they're preventing, there's something morally incoherent about their alignment.

Some of us just want to play classic video games, okay?

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