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Person wearing a skull mask and shushing the camera
Max Bender/Unsplash

What separates a human being from a monster?

It's an age-old question about humanity. How is a species that is born out of love and blessed with the ability for critical thinking and making others happy capable of committing unspeakable acts of horror?

The scary thing is anyone is capable of the worst kind of crime–taking another's life.

Does it take one unfortunate moment in a fit of rage or cross paths with the wrong individual resulting in a person snapping and killing someone?

Or, are some of us born with the murder gene?

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Woman carrying a hatchet
Florian Olivo/Unsplash

Hearing people open up about their near-death experiences is fascinating and it can reignite a sense that life is precious and can be taken away from us at any given moment.

But while a renewed perspective on life after narrowly avoiding accidental death is affirming, nothing is more terrifying when considering those who've managed to avoid death when it was motivated.

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People that killed someone often exhibited concerning behavior far before they went on to commit the deed.

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People Who Knew A Killer Before Their Crime Describe What They Were Like

Delving into the darkest parts of human psyche is somewhat of a fascination for our generation.

True crime shows and podcasts are some of the most popular in the world and have been for ages. Entire TV series are based around analyzing killers and serial killers. So naturally we are fascinated by those that are one simple degree of separation from the killers.

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