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Children Of 'Let Me Talk To The Manager' Parents Share Their Embarrassing Experiences
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Parents aren’t doing their job if they’re not embarrassing their kids. However, there are different levels of embarrassment.

It’s bad enough when your parents go around telling humiliating stories about your childhood or insist on hanging out with you and your friends. It’s also pretty bad when your parents are overprotective and either won’t let you do anything fun or force you to keep in constant contact.

However, one of the most embarrassing things your parents can do is ask to talk to a manager when they’re not satisfied with their service.

It’s one thing if the experience is actually a bad one, but when your parents or other relatives make a stink about a simple mistake, you tend to wish the ground would open up and swallow you.

I know I did every time my dad yelled at a manager so scarily that they couldn’t form coherent sentences anymore!

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We all know you clicked this story looking for Karens karening the Karen. Let it never be said that I don't give the people what they want.

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911 Operators Describe How They Handle Calls From Difficult People
Photo by Miryam León on Unsplash

Karens... female and male.... 911 is for actual emergencies only! And there are some real emergencies happening all over the country right now! So don't commandeer the line. Everyone has gotten just a little too comfortable reaching out to the guys and gals in blue for any little thing. That action has led to a few too many dangerous situations for innocent people. 311 is non-emergency. Unless there is actual peril I think people who misuse 911 should be charged not just fined. Let's hear about a few examples of when NOT to call.

Redditor u/dormeowmeow wanted to hear from emergency dispatchers out there about their calls from some pesky people by asking.... 911 phone operators, what do you do when you receive phone calls from 'Karen' types?
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Karens are ruthless. They will stop at nothing until they get their way.

And they do not care who they embarrass. Their children, themselves--anybody. They will rampage and rant and rave all the live-long day all while maintaining that they are right and that they are entitled to be right.

But children are watching. Children will listen.

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Woman's Story About Unleashing A Rancid Fart In A Cave As A Kid And Setting Off Her Own 'Karen' Mother Is The Ultimate Cringe-Fest

Atmospheric changes inside caves can unleash winds powerful enough to knock the hat off of a tourist.

But the powerful stench of a young girl's fart in tight quarters can knock tourists unconscious.

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