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girl with a confused and fearful expression on her face
Photo by OSPAN ALI on Unsplash

When I was a junior in high school and my SAT scores arrived, my dad wondered how I did compared to my friends. We were going to have a party at the end of that week, and he told me he would ask them.

I told him to go ahead, thinking he was joking. My dad wasn’t a big talker, especially when it came to people who weren’t his age. I thought he would never actually ask them their score. I was wrong…and mortified as my friends tried to be vague about their answers and he pressed for real, numerical scores.

I was always really careful to clarify whether my dad was joking or not after that moment.

Redditors have had several moments like the one I detailed, in which they thought someone was joking and balked when they realized the person was serious.

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People Share The Smartest Jokes They've Ever Heard
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

We all need a good laugh.

They are sorely missing these days.

Especially smart jokes.

So everytime I hear a good joke I try to write it down.

You know, so I can tell it at parties and pretend it's mine.

Redditor ReallySillyLily36 wanted to hear something to tickle the funny bone. So they asked:

"What is the smartest joke you've ever heard?"
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People Break Down The Professions That Were Highly Respected But Are Now A Complete Joke
Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Do you ever sit back and ponder just how much the world has changed?

It's astonishing. Things we thought we'd never be able to live without are now obsolete.

Does anyone even own a cassette tape anymore?

Do we still have home landlines?

If I call 411... do people still answer? And what about all of the jobs that went along with them?

If anyone is answering at 411, now they're basically looked at as a failed telemarketer.

So many jobs that were seen as thriving and a legacy have really taken a hit.

Everything from bus drivers to pilots and waiters.

Why is society so disrespectful?

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People Share The Prank Message They'd Leave On A Cave Wall If They Could Travel Back 100,000 Years
Cole Marshall on Unsplash

Ever feel like traveling through time?

Ever think time travel gives you the perfect opportunity for an epic prank?

Then take notes—ideas ahead.

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The needs of people change over time.

What might have been a necessity 50 years ago could be an optional service today.
This, in turn, affects the people who work to provide those goods and services.
The world changes, their demands change and soon the job you had that once garnered lots of respect is now treated like a joke.

Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad.

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