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What might seem like a roadblock or an inconvenience might prove itself to be a much needed stroke of good luck.

Take for example, those who saw an early performance of the Broadway musical The Pajama Game, who arrived to discover the show's acclaimed dancer, Carol Haney, was out with a broken foot.

Well, however disappointed those in the audience may have been at the time, everyone present could later brag that they got to see Shirley Maclaine go on for the role.

Maclaine had some good luck herself that night, as a Hollywood talent scout happened to be in the audience.

Similarly, there have been several inventors and entrepreneurs over time who have worked hard at creating a life-changing invention, only to make a detrimental mistake.

Detrimental to the project they were working on, at least, as some of these mistakes resulted in legendary inventions.

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Little-Known Technological Inventions That Will Have A Huge Impact On The Future
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

We live in a world where we practically witness advances in technology before our very eyes.

Of course, these advancements have resulted in some life-changing inventions that have become commonplace in most households.

These include the iPhone, rumbas, or our live-in assistants Siri, Echo, and Alexa.

But these are only a handful of inventions that have made our lives all the easier and forever changed our future.

Leaving us to wonder what further inventions await us, not to mention the inventions which haven't gotten as much attention, but arguably should have.

As well as some inventions which we'd all be better off if they remained unknown.

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People Break Down Which Things They'd Like To See Invented In Their Lifetime
Photo by Julia Zyablova on Unsplash

It's amazing to think of all the inventions and advancements we've seen over the course of time.

Smart phones, automated check out machines, electric powered cars.

In this modern age of technology and science, it's rare for a year to go by without a major new invention.

Seeing every new invention with each passing year only leads us to wonder, what does the future have in store?

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People Break Down Which Things Flopped Because They Were Way Ahead Of Their Time
Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Remember the Dreamcast? If you don't, then you've been missing out. Sit down, sweet summer child, and listen up.

The Dreamcast was a console so ahead of its time that console has been a Dreamcast since there was a Dreamcast. Too advanced to match its competitors, not appealing enough to be considered part of the next generation. I have fond memories of that console. Crazy Taxi was a gem.

Not everything comes out at the right time.

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