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Couple kissing
Photo by Cassie Lopez on Unsplash

Whether we intend for it to be the focus of the relationship or not, one of the defining features of a romantic relationship is its physical interactions.

Anyone who deeply values physical touch might not be able to understand how a relationship could continue if the couple was no longer intimate.

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People Confess How Important Sex Really Is To Them In A Relationship
Photo by We-Vibe Toys on Unsplash

How necessary is it?

Some people need it.

Some are good with a once-and-a-blue-moon situation.

No matter your personal thoughts, when you're in a relationship it's a two-way street convo.

You have to be on the same page about intimacy or else it all blows up.


Let's talk about sex baby.

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People Break Down What Makes Someone Terrible In Bed
Photo by Parabol on Unsplash

"What makes someone bad in bed?"


The list is endless.

Half the time all it takes to be better is a little effort.

Redditor MidoriSpice wanted to hear about the lack of skills some people really need to acquire when it comes to sexy time. They asked:

"What makes someone bad in bed?"
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People Break Down The Circumstances Where They'd Stay In A Sexless Relationship
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Sex is an important part of life.

That is just a fact.

But sex is also about connection and intimacy.

So it's not a surprise when many relationships take a hit after the sex dries up.

It's not something to ignore.

It's the biggest problem in the world, but partners should discuss it.

Redditor ItsyBitsyJoxy wanted to hear about reasons to stick around with a partner when there is no sexy time. They asked:

"Would you be in a sexless relationship? What circumstance would you find acceptable for this?"
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People Break Down The Worst Way Someone Ever Asked Them To Leave After A Hookup
Photo by Maru Lombardo on Unsplash

There are humane ways to tell someone to go home after a... liaison.

How can one be so rude after being so intimate?

I'm not saying you have to snuggle and profess love, but damn, a quick... "thanks, I hope life is kind to you" goes a long way.

Redditor sumyungdood wanted to hear the tea about the times they had to tell a lover to take a hike. They asked:

"What is the worst way someones asked you to leave after sex?"
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