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Be it a sports team, movie star, or book series, just about everything has its fan base.

Though some fanbases are much more "fanatical" than others.

In some cases, one fanbase leads to another, such as Twilight internet fan fiction leading to the Fifty Shades Of Grey trilogy.

Sadly, there are also fan bases that don't simply celebrate the person, series, or team they idolize, but sometimes make an effort to take down their rivals and competition.

Clogging up social media, message boards and online comments sections with their unpleasant rhetoric.

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Times Dark Web Users Felt Like They Were Genuinely In Danger
Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

The internet has proven a hugely advantageous advancement in technology.

Creating not only a world where we can buy just about anything with a single click, but also communicate with others all across the globe with considerable ease.

Something we were all beyond grateful for in March of 2020.

However, the internet can sadly be a dangerous endeavor, particularly the part of the internet known as "the dark web", where one's identity and locations remain anonymous.

Whether people find themselves on the dark web, primarily used for illegal, under the table operations, they often tend to find themselves in dangerous situations.

Some being far more terrifying than others.

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People Share Their Absolute Favorite Little-Known Websites
Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Who would have predicted the endless source of entertainment and fascination the Internet provides.

With countless websites where one can shop, watch movies, catch up on news, play games... and do just about anything.

Of course, some of the better known websites, such as Amazon, YouTube, Facebook and Google are likely visited by just about everyone every so often.

But practical and entertaining as the world's most visited websites are, that doesn't necessarily make them the most interesting.

Should one find themselves going down an internet rabbit hole, as we all do every so often, we might discover a unique, truly fascinating website which might cater to our personal hobbies or interests, or simply catches our attention for inexplicable reasons.

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People Break Down Which Things Were Absolutely Ruined By The Internet
Photo by Sergey Zolkin on Unsplash

As much as the internet has become an extraordinary tool, we have to admit, it's changed the world in ways that aren't so great.

I enjoy working from home on this computer.

But I do see people less.

Not that people are all that great.

Am I lonely? Maybe...

It was just a simpler time then.

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