in too deep

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People Break Down The Exact Moment They Knew They Were 'Too Deep' Into Something
Image by Public Co from Pixabay

We've all been there. We've all found ourselves in a spot in life when we realize.... we've gotten ourselves into a hole and we may have no idea how to make it better. Nobody is immune to the circumstance of falling too hard. Liquor, sex, food, video gaming... you name it and falling prey is possible. So let's share some tales so that we know; we've all been there at one point, no need to hide it. There is always a point one can identify when you realize. Its just what we do with that knowledge that makes the difference.

Redditor u/why_my_pp_hard_4_u wanted everyone to share about the few times they've discovered they got themselves in a bit of a situation by asking.... At what point did you know you were "too deep" into something?
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