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classified document
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Everyone loves a juicy secret or insider knowledge.

From knowing about a secret love affair happening between colleagues to understanding how to cheat the system when booking a table at a hot restaurant.

There are times, however, when holding onto a valuable piece of knowledge comes with a fair share of stress.

Indeed, sometimes knowing something which isn't common knowledge to everyone feels like it could get you in pretty serious trouble.

Almost as if the simple act of knowing what you do was illegal.

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The Craziest Crimes Ever Committed By Family Members
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

If you currently share a password for Netflix with friends or family, you are in fact committing a federal crime.

Not one that is ever truly enforced, of course, nor does it cause any harm to others.

There are those, however, who have family members who have committed crimes for which there were far more serious repercussions.

Ranging from the horrific, to the hilariously indescribable.

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People Confess Which Seemingly 'Forbidden' Things They've Always Wanted To Do
Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

Humans can't help it, curiosity is in our DNA.

It's especially heightened when we're told no.

Or something we can't have or do is described as "taboo, forbidden, or just because it would break a rule."

Now I'm sweating just thinking about all the things I wanna try, just cuz.

I'm just gonna do it.

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People Break Down Which Things Are Surprisingly Illegal
Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

In all likelihood, we all may have broken the law without realizing it.

Simply by streaming our favorite movie.

Surprising as it may seem, password sharing on streaming platforms is a federal offense, but is done regularly.

But that is indeed one of the many surprising things which is, in fact, illegal.

Leaving one to wonder, what other illegal activities are there out there which may surprise us?

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