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Professionals Share Their Best 'It Doesn't Actually Work Like That Though' Experiences
ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

A lot of people seem to have a lot of assumptions about the way the world works, and a lot of us don't have any experience to back up those assumptions.

Whether it's assuming that there absolutely must be another box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the back of the store that they can have if they can only convince the poor teenager stocking shelves, or that a photo editor will be able to magically make your blurry, pixellated photo look amazing, there's a lot of things people seem to think are true about different fields that just aren't.

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People Around The World Confess Which Historical Events Their Country Won't Speak About
Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

Just because people are patriotic, it doesn't mean they are embarrassed or ashamed about a specific historic event in their country.

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Life changes as we age, and the things that irk us change along with it.

A sound or action that seemed perfectly fine 20 years ago might be the most annoying thing now.

These kinds of shifts in perspective affect all of us as we get older.

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People Describe The Most Basic Thing They've Ever Had To Explain To A Grown Adult
fancycrave1 from Pixabay

It's tough being a grown up.

Not only are you expected to have all the answers, you're also expected to be a master in all forms of everything, ever, in all of existence. A knowledge shortage can lead to feelings of inadequacy, as well as mockery.

Ask for help if you need it. Don't be like these people.
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Doctors Share The Worst Cases Of Patient Ignorance They've Ever Seen
Photo by Ani Kolleshi on Unsplash

Doctors can only assist a patient to the extent that the person accepts the help. That acceptance is by no means automatic.

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