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The Best Reasons Why You Shouldn't Argue With An Idiot

Reddit user Blaztwin asked: 'Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." What's your best real life example of this?'

We've all found ourselves in a position where we simply couldn't contain ourselves and found ourselves putting someone in their place owing to something they said which was either wrong or just plain stupid.

When it comes to the latter category, though, it's often worth taking a minute to wonder if fighting that particular battle is even worth it.

As many people who are about to shoot down their current conversation partner might take a minute and really examine the person they're talking with before remembering the old saying: "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Sadly, some people remember this conversation too late, and find themselves falling down a conversational rabbit hole from which they may never escape.

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People Describe The Dumbest Way They've Ever Gotten A Scar
Image by Daniel Borker from Pixabay

Bodies are beautiful. All bodies, of all shapes, sizes and looks are being more embraced by the world at large now. And what people are loving more and more are what makes our look and bodies unique. What could be more unique than a scar? For better or worse scars mark certain moments of our lives. They remind us of where we've been and where we may never want to go again.

Eight times out of ten, scars come with a great story, because normally we were idiots when we acquire them. But don't rush to cover them up, they can be part of your beautiful.

Redditor u/teatimefancycakes wanted to hear about the ways we've marked up and blemished the temple that is our bodies, by asking:

What is the stupidest reason you have a scar?
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HR Recruiters Break Down The Biggest Red Flags They've Ever Seen On A Resume
Image by Parveender Lamba from Pixabay

You want a job? You desperately need said job? Then why is it difficult to pay attention when crafting your resume? It's literally you're calling card!

I know there are better ways to make a resume than others, some people actually assist job searchers with resumes as their job, but a basic, run of the resume will suffice when getting started.

All you have to do is not be ridiculous. Don't get crazy. Just give them the basic information and make sure your grammar is correct. It's called spell check.

HR recruiters have a ton of tips for us, so listen up.

Redditor u/scottlottle wanted to help us see the signs clearly, by asking:

HR recruiters, what is considered a huge red flag on someone's resume?
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People Describe The Most Elaborate Scam They've Ever Fallen For
Image by Sammy-Williams from Pixabay

How could I have ever been so stupid? I'm an educated person. I mean, I'm no genius but I thought I could recognize basic tomfoolery in front of me. But every once and awhile, scammers get the best of you. Maybe because we're too trusting and want to believe the best in world. But that is how we fall into the hands of the these charlatans and thieves. There are too many people out there that are too lazy to work so they just want to steal from others. It's hateful, so stay vigilant.

Redditor u/Pissgf wanted to see who would be willing to confess about the times they've been bamboozled, by asking:

What's the most elaborate scam you fell for?
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People Divulge The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Heard Someone Say
Image by rayemond from Pixabay

I can't anymore, I just can't. Sometimes I feel like I want to turn my ears over to God and say..."I'm done... thanks."

I just can't believe what I'm hearing when among company, or listening to the news. I can't tell if society is crazy, dumb, naive or all of the above.

Too often I'm truly left speechless by the things that fall out of the mouths of others. Either education has fallen to the bowels of life or the human brain has deteriorated through time.

I just always want to ask... "Do you hear you?" Maybe I'm the crazy one.

Redditor u/PrettyRefrigerator83 wanted everyone to share some of the things our ears I've heard that left us... speechless by asking:

What's the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say?
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