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Hollywood sign
Vincentas Liskauskas/Unsplash

People tend to gravitate toward various celebrities based on the work they do without really knowing who they are in real life.

For example, actors who play nefarious characters may have a legion of fans who love the rebellious persona but can be let down after discovering their personality is actually quite loveable.

We often tend to forget celebrities are people too, and their real-life persona may be contradictory to the type of characters they play in movies.

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People Break Down The Most Glaring Mistakes They've Seen In Movies
Photo by Wyron A on Unsplash

Hollywood isn't immune to mistakes.

There is always an imperfection or six.

It may not be in the performance or the film as a whole but in the details.

Edits can be overlooked.

Story points can be lost.

Plot holes can be big enough to crash a small car.

Most of these we can forgive or even chuckle at, but some leave us dumbfounded.

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Black and white photo of a movie theater showing "Singing in the Rain"
Ricky Turner/Unsplash

Nowadays, the movie industry touts innovative cinematic experiences with advanced digital projection technology and sound systems to entice audiences back into theaters.

But during the advent of cinema long before home-viewing entertainment, people had to go to theaters exclusively to experience films on the big silver screen.

The movies that were filmed and shown in black and white at the time are now considered classics, and there is an enduring quality to these films that have inspired contemporary films recapturing a bygone era like the 2011 French comedy, The Artist.

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People Explain Which Movie Scenes They Have An Incredibly Difficult Time Watching
Photo by Taine Noble on Unsplash

Movies can mold who we are.

Some stories caught on film leave an impression that we take with us through our dying breaths.

That's why the arts and artists are so vital.

But there are some movies and specifically movie moments that can be to much to rewatch.

We may love the movie, but a certain scene may always be on the fast forward list.

Sometimes it's all too real.

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group of fresh graduates students throwing their academic hat in the air
Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

My entire childhood was comprised of watching Hollywood movies about high school.

From High School Musical, I learned that theater is uncool and no jock would be caught dead in a musical. The Breakfast Club made me think Saturday detention wasn't so bad. I learned that teachers can be manipulated from Clueless, and Mean Girls showed me how divided high school kids are based on their cliques.

When I actually started high school, none of those lessons helped me. I knew several jocks who were talented musicians and starred in every musical. I never had Saturday detention, but I heard enough horror stories to know it was awful. Teachers are not fools who bend to a student's will, and cliques are almost a myth. Yes, the cheerleaders hang out with other cheerleaders, but they don't dump food all over the honors kids.

Very few high school movies reflect the actual high school experience. Redditors know this all to well and were ready to share their stories.

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