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snow-covered landscape with body of water in foreground and hill in background
Colby Thomas on Unsplash

As we enter into the fall, we find ourselves putting away our shorts and lightweight clothes for the season, and bringing our coats, hats and gloves out of storage.

For when fall approaches, it means winter is around the corner.

There's plenty not to like about winter, namely the freezing cold and the shorter days.

Conversely, winter also means the holiday season, and the chance to hit the slopes and ski or snowboard.

Making it understandable why winter is many people's favorite season.

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Guys Break Down Which Gifts They Actually Want To Receive This Holiday Season
Image by Yvette Fang from Pixabay

In our toxically masculine, gender-obsessed world that pigeon holes us all into a couple categories, it can be easy to make some assumptions about which items make the best gifts for certain people.

But a recent Reddit thread turned that all on its head.

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Men often get the feedback that they are impossible to buy for.

This might be because men are socialized to not reveal the things that make them the most vulnerable--so people have trouble getting to the bottom of what they like.

However, if the right people listen, they can figure it out.

They can also figure it out if they ask.

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Carrie Fisher's Daughter Gives Some Poignant Advice For Everyone Grieving Over The Holidays
Kevin Mazur / Getty Images

The holidays are meant to be a beautiful, celebratory time. But for some, the holidays are a grim reminder of the loved ones who are no longer with us or who they may be estranged from.

Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher's daughter, offered some poignant advice this season for anyone who may be grieving over the holidays.

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People Divulge Which Presents They're Most Excited To Gift This Year

One of the best parts of the holidays is seeing the joy on people's faces when they open the gift you gave them.

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