historical facts

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It's easy to assume things about history since we weren't actually there. We're taught to believe everything we read, but often times, it takes more research to figure out the truth.

There are a lot of historical figures we believe were bad based on what we first read or heard. However, upon further research, we find out they weren't actually that bad.

Some of them got a bad reputation even though all they did was make a mistake. Others just weren't appreciated for their ideas and inventions during their own time. Some of them are even heroes!

It seems Redditors did some of that extra research and are ready to share their findings.

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People Share Their Absolute Favorite Historical Facts
nonbirinonko from Pixabay

When we think about learning history, our first thought is usually sitting in our high school history class (or AP World History class if you're a nerd like me) being bored out of our minds.

Unless again, you're a huge freaking nerd like me. But I think we all have the memory of the moment where we realized learning about history was kinda cool.

And they usually start from one weird fact.

Here are a few examples of turning points in learning about history, straight from the keyboards of the people at AskReddit.

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People Break Down The Most Bizarre Historical Events They Know
Image by Couleur from Pixabay

Many people found high school history class exceptionally boring. There was so much reading, the years-old scuffles and cultural trends seemed far away in time as well as geography.

Add a boring teaching into the mix--if you were so unlucky--and you can forget it. That whole class period was a snooze fest.

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People Share Dark Historical Events That Most People Don't Know About
Photo by David Tomaseti on Unsplash

If we consider only a single year, it's not difficult to see just how many events and news stories will fall through the cracks as time marches on.

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People Break Down Historical Facts That Sound Truthful But Are Actually Totally Wrong
Photo by Clarisse Meyer on Unsplash

There are some historical facts that we just love to talk about.

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