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The Absolute Best Decisions People Have Ever Made

Reddit user Kai6180 asked:'What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?'

man standing in the middle of woods at a fork in the path
Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." ~ The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Life is full of choices. Each one we make can send our lives in entirely different directions.

Sometimes our decisions work out for us and sometimes disaster ensues.

But let's focus on the positive.

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People Confess Which Simple Things Make Them The Happiest
Xavi Cabrera/Unsplash

India Arie sang "It's the little things and the joy they bring" twenty whole years ago (go ahead and take a moment to process that. We OLD, fam!) and the lyrics to that undeniable bop are still just as relevant as ever.

Except maybe the lines about phone calls - nobody calls anyone now. We have voice notes and messaging apps for that, India.

The last time I used my phone as a phone I had to actually search for the icon to make that outgoing call. Grumbled about how it could have been a voice note the whole time.

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People Break Down The Things We Should Enjoy Now Before They're Gone
Photo by Shaurya Sagar on Unsplash

Enjoy it now. It all fades.

Now there is wisdom we always ignore.

Life really is wasted on the young.

All kidding aside... life is fleeting.

We have to embrace everything in the best way possible.

Redditor ConesWithNan wanted everyone to celebrate certain aspects of life while it's still possible. So they asked:

"What should we enjoy before it's no longer around?"
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Time really does fly by.

I never believed that until recently.

I wish I had relished in my childhood more.

I miss certain toys and watching specific movies for the first time.

I miss the feeling of hope.

If only we could start again...

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People Share The Changes They Made That Really Improved Their Mental Health
Lidya Nada on Unsplash

We are in a better place than we've ever been when it comes to discussing mental health.

We still have a VERY long way to go.

Besides therapy and drugs, there are simple, daily things we can all do to try to brighten our days.

Life is dark, be we have to try let in some positivity.

If for no other reason than not being trapped in sadness.

What are some of the happiness tricks of the trade we all need to know?

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