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People Who Oppose Changing American Gun Laws Share Their Reasoning

"Thoughts and prayers." Those are the two main things doled out immediately in the wake of a mass shooting in the United States.

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People Who Survived An Attempted Murder Share Their Experiences
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

I live in fear every day of being murdered. Maybe it's because I'm too obsessed with Criminal Minds.

Some people are evil and crazy, and it's just our lot in life to find a way to survive them.

Coming face to face with evil and death is something that changes you forever.

Redditor u/xXFAZEMEIDAREYOUXx came to Reddit and asked to see who was willing to share one of their worst life moments. They wondered:

"Murder attempt survivors, what happened?"
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Work must become eventful pretty quick for those that work at a gun range. Between those huge ear muff things, abstract paper men being shot at, and the DEADLY FIREARMS, shooting range security guards likely live with their head on a swivel.

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Police Officers Share The Craziest Situations They've Ever Been In

We do not give our friends in blue enough credit. They face situations we can only try NOT to dream of. Danger lurks in every second, every second of their shifts. And Lord do they have some stories of survival to tell. Being a police officer is a whirlwind of crazy. And we need to know more.

Redditor u/Yokeyoyo wanted to hear from all the brothers and sisters in blue by asking...

Police Officers of Reddit, what's the craziest situation you've been in?
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