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People Divulge The Weirdest Cultural Thing They've Done In Someone's Home
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

When you visit a home that is not your own, you adhere to the rules.

That is just common decency.

Even though it may seem awkward and uncomfortable, you deal.

Redditor sebastian25525 wanted to hear about the times we've had to participate in certain events, in certain ways, when in the home of others. They asked:

"What is the weirdest thing you had to do at someone else’s house because of their culture/religion?"
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People Share The Rudest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done In Their Home

It's time for you to checkout of this house.

People Share The Rudest Thing A Guest Has Ever Done In Their Home
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

Opening your home to loved ones and friends for a time is always the generous, right thing to do, especially when people are in particular need. But that charity needs to come with some rules and responsibility. When people start to get crazy, it's time for people to go. Your home is not an insane asylum and you are not a doormat. Rude is rude. And you don't need that mess.

Redditor lickmyfeet14 wanted to hear about some bad behavior among home invaders that were originally invited by asking:

What was the rudest thing a visitor did in your house?
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Most of us have stayed in a vacation rental of some sort, but how many of us can say we run one? For most of us, the sorts of stories hosts must have never really occur to us... til now.

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House Guests Reveal The Weirdest Thing They've Seen Someone Casually Do In Their Own Home
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Visiting people, particularly friends, can be a great time to bond and create lasting memories... that is until you see your host do something rather weird in their own home. (Or maybe that's its own kind of memory.)

Redditor Jubilantjerk gave us today's burning question when they reached out to the online community and asked: "What's the strangest thing you've ever seen someone casually do while you were in their home?"

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Rules aren't always made to broken, in fact in certain households breaking the rules can have some pretty severe consequences. And when you're growing you don't ask why, you just do. Who knows how parents come or heads of house come up with some ideas, hopefully it's to keep things in order and have no malicious intent. You have to wonder though how you made it all the way to college without going nuts.

Redditor u/alfred_the_whale wanted to know what odd things were required in certain homes in life by asking.... What's the weirdest rule you had in your home growing up?

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