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People Confess What's Stopping Them From Being With The Person They Really Love
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As Valentine's Day approaches, we're going to be inundated with signs that tell us love is in the air.

Why is love elusive for so many of us?

Or is it perhaps right in front of us as we've seen in so many films and TV shows?

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How you approach life's many trials and tribulations can say a lot about who you are. However, many of us don't necessarily learn some lessons so easily.

Life is complicated. It's messy. Few, if any things, go according to plan. On top of that, sometimes the way we handle our relationships or our obligations might not be the most healthy one.

You live, you learn... or so the saying goes.

People shared their stories after Redditor ryanblumenow asked the online community,

"What did you learn at great personal cost?"
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Considering all the bad advice that's out there, it's a wonder anyone bothers to listen to anything others say.

However, this doesn't mean that the world is a dearth of good advice. There are plenty of people out there with wisdom and insight to share.

Finding them (and developing relationships with them) is the hard part. But once that's over and done with, you'll be thankful for the resource you've stumbled upon.

People were all too happy to tell us about the best pieces of advice they received from others after Redditor BigWillySmith asked the online community,

"What is some really good advice?"
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People Share The Most Depressing Truths They've Ever Had To Accept
Max Harlynking/Unsplash

Okay, time for some real talk...

You could be the sweetest person in the world, but that won't stop someone from disliking you.

You can't control the perception of others.

You're not going to please everyone.

Most of us are just a paycheck or two away from homelessness.

Depressing, huh? You can thank Redditor WhiteMass for that, particularly after they asked the online community,

"What is the most depressing truth that you've had to accept?"
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Personally, I like to live my life without regrets. Every one of our mistakes has formed us into the person we are today. However, at the same time, I can't say I don't wish I had gotten my sh*t together a little sooner, and saved myself some grief. It seems like these Redditors feel the same way.

u/desmondl12 asked: What is your "I wish I had started doing that earlier in my life"?

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