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A good story—whether it's a book, movie, manga or TV show—can really draw us in.

We can get invested in the story to the point we begin to have real feelings about the characters.

That's why having a favorite character die can cause real grief.

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Little girl looking out a window
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Children have a way of surprising us.

Sometimes, we tell ourselves that they won't understand certain conversations we have, or some situations will go over their heads and will be forgotten the next day.

Only to discover that they, in fact, take far more in than we realize, and understand all too well what's going on.

Eventually saying things to us which tug at our heartstrings, and result in tears.

Sharing something about themselves which we somehow missed, all the while teaching us a thing or two on how to be open with them.

All we want to do at the moment is give them a hug, even though we know all too well that a hug won't solve the deep-rooted problems they've revealed, intentionally or not, about their lives.

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We all have different pain tolerances. One individual's joy is another's joint and back pain. Depends on the threshold, and what we're willing to accept and put up with. Once that level is hit, it becomes a hell you can't escape from.

And the worst part? That pain might come and go, a wave ebbing against you, pushing you.

Some solace you can take is you're not alone in feeling pain.

*The following article contains discussion of sexual assault.

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People Share Which Celebrity Deaths Hit Them The Hardest
George Pagan III on Unsplash

The deaths of famous people can hit people really hard, especially when they were taken from us way too soon.

From politicians, singers, actors, and others who've made a huge contribution to society, their deaths are a constant reminder of our fleeting mortality on this planet.
Some people can have a difficult time, more than others, when a venerated individual is no longer with us, and the feeling of despair can be akin to losing a family member.
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People Explain Which Movie Never Fails To Make Them Cry
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash

Movies are made to touch us deeply, as they mirror our human experiences back at us.

Movies that have that kind of impact are not to be taken lightly. They often deal with heavy subject matter that there is no sugarcoating: for example, the film Grave Of The Fireflies deals with some extremely harsh realities of what it was like to live in Japan during WWII, as we see the suffering brought on two innocent children.

These movies are made to do something to you--not just for you to view.

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