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People Break Down The Real Reason Their Coworker Got Fired

Reddit user wcslater asked: 'Why was that one guy fired from your work?'

People Break Down The Real Reason Their Coworker Got Fired
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

When a co-worker or colleague gets fired, it naturally gets the rest of the office talking.

Namely, because everyone is immediately wondering why?

In some cases, the reason is no secret to anyone working there, and everyone knew it would only be a matter of time until this unfortunate individual got the sack.

Other times, someone's dismissal ends up taking everyone by surprise, and people begin speculating at the water cooler.

Most of the time, their gossip and conspiracy theories are way off, but in some rare occasions, they were spot on.

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People Divulge The Dirty Little Secret They're Dying To Tell Someone
krakenimages on Unsplash

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People Explain What The Infamous Teacher In Their School Did To Get Fired
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Teachers will be the first to tell you their job is a drain, physically and mentally. Putting your all into crafting lessons to help kids get to the next level in their learning can take a toll in the long run, burning out many who enter the field. Fortunately, the accomplished look on a student's face is enough to keep even the most exhausted educator's going.

Most of the time.

Those who hit their burnout quota sooner, or those who never should have stepped foot in the classroom in the first place, soon gain a reputation for being "that" teacher.

And their exit from the classroom can be as glorious, or horrifying, as their antics leading up to it.

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

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John Schnobrich on Unsplash

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