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People Divulge The Weirdest 'Flex' They Brag About
Photo by Robert McGowan on Unsplash

Accomplishments prove we tried to do something and did something.

A little flex every now and again doesn't hurt.

I did this.

I tried this.

It proves we lived.

Just don't be arrogant about your success, but sometimes you want to show off just a little.

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People Share The Most Passive-Aggressive Gift They've Ever Received For Christmas
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

We've all heard the saying, "it's the thought that counts" when it comes to gifts.

But not all thoughts are kind.

While Christmas should be honored with well intended gift exchanges, some people take the opportunity to surprise unknowing receivers with something unpleasant.

Whether they're inspired by a grudge or petty argument, a passive aggressive gift can really spoil the holiday cheer.

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Getting gifts is supposed to be a fun celebration of the occasion - but we all know that one person who uses gifting as an opportunity to air their beefs.

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People Share The Most Insulting Gift They've Ever Received

Getting gifts is supposed to be a fun celebration of the occasion - but we all know that one person who uses gifting as an opportunity to air their beefs.

In the movies, it's someone like the catty mother-in-law, but here in the real world, this sort of pettiness can come from literally anywhere.

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People Share The Weirdest Present They've Ever Received
Pixabay /

Gift giving can be rough. That's why so many people just opt for gift cards - it's easier than wracking your brain trying to come up with that perfect thing that the giftee might have anyway. Some people opt for "creative" gifts instead ... and those people are awesome.

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