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Two middle aged people riding bikes
Photo by KBO Bike on Unsplash

We will be our parents one day.

All we can hope is maybe we'll be an upgraded version.

There is always that one moment when you realize though.

Maybe it's sensing rain coming in your knees.

Or perhaps it's scolding your own children for the first time.

No matter the moment, it's likely to happen.

As life slips by...

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People Break Down The Biggest Lies That Were Sold To Their Generation
Taras Chernus on Unsplash

The times do change fast don't they? Everything we think we'll know about the future is usually false.

How much of history is littered with things we thought we'd never be able to do without?

Now we watch movies in our palms. (Instead of theaters.) We send millions of dollars through the air. (Instead of withdrawing in person, or a check.) And we no longer need pennies. (Basically)

Who would have thought?

These were all going to be life essentials.

But generation by generation, the obsolescence takes over.

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Older Generations Break Down What They're Tired Of Hearing From Younger Folks
Thomas Park/Unsplash

Get Off My E-Lawn!

*shakes fists at the fact that calling it an "e-anything" is so incredibly dated. Of course, it's a virtual lawn. Who has lawns anymore? In this economy? And if they do, they haven't rented it out to influencers to promote their start-up goat lawn care company that PETA is vehemently protesting as cruelty and would like to euthanize the goats instead? Psh.*

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We all have certain things about ourselves we would love to change.

Many aspects of our bodies, inside and out is the first thing to come to mind.

And what's frustrating is that many of those things we're passed down to us thanks to DNA.

Certain diseases and bodily aspects "run in the family."

Which often feels like a cosmic joke.

We have to learn to embrace it.

So let's do some venting...

Redditor dump_acc_91 wanted to hear about what generational issues have been passed along to many of us.

They asked:

"Which sh**ty genetics did you inherit?"
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People Share The Most Gen Z Comment They've Ever Heard
Christina @

Generation Z, the generation that follows Millennials, are now somewhere between the ages of seven and 24. With the oldest of their generation being in their early 20s and late teens, they're bound to leave their mark on internet culture and social media.

Though we are still getting to know this generation, they have already shown themselves to be influential on the digital world. They're capitalizing off of their quirks with Instagram influencer brand deals and going viral for TikTok dance videos.

Since they've taken the reins, we see especially from the Black community, new waves of pop culture references that trend so fast it will make your head spin. Redditors told us some of the most typical things a Gen Z kid will say.

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