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People Break Down Gifts For Guys That Are Equivalent To Giving Flowers

Reddit user AmoebaMan asked: 'What’s the gifting equivalent of flowers for a dude?'

Man holding a bouquet of roses
Photo by Shamim Nakhaei on Unsplash

When intending to show a woman how much she means to you, giving her flowers is a fairly common solution.

When trying to do the same for men, however, what to give them is a bit more challenging.

True, plenty of men will be overjoyed to get a bouquet of bright red roses or pink and yellow tulips.

Unfortunately, there are still far too many men who are too insecure with their masculinity to be caught dead holding a single rose, let alone a bouquet.

Leaving one to wonder, what is an appropriate substitution?

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People Describe Which Mistakes Their Well-Meaning Parents Made Raising Them

Parenting is definitely not an easy task.

Parents are responsible for the wellbeing of a tiny human from the time they're born until they grow up and move out on their own.

They're bound to make a few mistakes along the way.

Some mistakes are definitely more hurtful than others, though.

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