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Kid forming a cross with two fingers
Markus Spiske/Unsplash

As much as we think we can get along with everyone, that's not always the case.

There are certain types of people you gravitate toward and making a connection with them is easy. But there are also those with specific personality traits you know very well to steer clear from.

Try as we might, we can't be friends with everyone. The best we can do is be the best version of ourselves and stay within a community of people who you vibe with.

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People Break Down How Someone They Cared About Transformed Into Someone They Didn't Recognize
Image by Fabio Grandis from Pixabay

Various life circumstances can force relationships with friends and family to change.

But what happens when the people you care about change?

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People Divulge The Exact Moment They Knew They Didn't Fit In With Their Friend Group Anymore
Image by Dimitri Houtteman from Pixabay

People come and go in our lives, but the few who have stuck around and been a constant presence in your life are the ones you will treasure the most.

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Having someone to support you and to be a positive influence in your life can be a beautiful and even life affirming thing. But toxic positivity is also a thing.

It's insidious and can serve to completely invalidate the other person's feelings.

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