flight attendants

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Over the course of the last several years, anything in the career of airlines has become one of the most dangerous fields to be a part of.

I've lost track of the number of videos we've watched with passengers behaving badly.

And badly? That is an understatement.

What happened to flying the friendly skies?

It's all a mess right now.

And airline people need to vent and set a few things straight.

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Flight Attendants Reveal The Wildest Passenger They've Ever Had

You need to get off this plane!

Flight attendants are heroes. Let's be honest, when we fly, we're a bunch of babies. We need and need and... NEED! And if you think about it so have the rest of us as passengers. People! Get your behavior in check for travel! Please!

Redditor u/sophmorph wanted the employees of the sky do discuss a few things by asking... Flight Attendants of reddit, what's the most ridiculous passenger you've ever had?

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