first responders

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Life-Threatening Situations First Responders Wish People Knew How To Handle Better

Reddit user PeachMilkshake2319 asked: 'First Responders of Reddit what is a terrifying situation that you wish more people knew how to handle to result in less casualties?'

woman in blue t-shirt and blue pants holding baby
Photo by Michel E on Unsplash

When I was about 16 months old, I fell asleep in my high chair with a piece of toast in my mouth. No one noticed I had a piece of toast in my mouth, so it was panic-inducing for my parents when I suddenly woke up because I was choking.

Luckily, my mom knew what to do in this situation and was able to make me cough it back up. When my mom told that story a few years later to her paramedic friend, the paramedic said she'd seen a lot of children in fatal situations because their parents weren't able to help them while they were choking.

First responders have seen a lot of bad situations that could've been avoided if people educated themselves to handle them better.

First responder Redditors know this all too well and are ready to share their advice.

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First Responders Break Down The Stupidest Reason Someone's Ever Called Emergency Services
Image by succo from Pixabay

Sometimes it's a knee-jerk reaction to call 911. Once an emergency emerges, often the mind begins to splinter. You want to be helpful and superhero-like but most of the time, we're all just grasping for a bit of sanity. That isn't a judgment. It's harder than you think to keep your cool in an emergency situation. But... just make sure it's an emergency. Too many people are commandeering 911 for things that are not dire. That's why there is 311... try it.

Redditor u/FormerLongTimeLurker wanted to emergency workers out there to share with us about their daily headaches by asking them... First responders of Reddit, what is the stupidest reason someone called emergency services and what happened?
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Medics Share Their Weirdest 'No, That's Not A Real Medical Condition' Experience
Image by Darko Stojanovic from Pixabay

As doctors will be the first to explain, there is one element of the medical profession that is routinely underestimated by med school hopefuls: patient interaction.

Understandably, would-be doctors prioritize the more concrete elements of the profession. They pour over anatomy books, understand the latest treatments and technologies, and hone their ability to diagnose efficiently, accurately.

Yet, a good amount of a doctor's work day is spent hashing it out with their patients--regular folks who know extremely little about how the body works.

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911 Dispatchers Describe The Calls That Took A Major Turn For The Worse

Working in emergency response can be stressful.

You're often talking people through one of the worst moments of their lives.

Every now and then, though, you get a call that doesn't seem all that urgent at all. You may even have people start the call with "I'm not sure if this is an emergency or not, but..."

You'll also get your share of pranks, kids playing around on phones, or phones that dial emergency services on their own thanks to butt-dials and strange wiring.

Thing is, not all of those not-that-urgent calls will be easy.

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