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People Break Down Their Strangest Irrational Fears
Eri Pançi on Unsplash

Fear can be based on real dangers or past experiences, but what happens when it isn't?

What happens when fear goes beyond "healthy level of caution" to "abject terror"?

Sometimes labeled as phobias, those irrational fears can still be crippling.

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People Confess The Weirdest Things That Scared Them As A Child
Image by Bob Dmyt from Pixabay

One of the most wonderful things about being a kid is not necessarily having the language to say what's going on or why something makes you feel the way you feel at that moment. You just feel that way.

That can be freeing for kids and immensely frustrating for adults. Adults acquire reasoning and think, "Why did I care so much about this?" Kids have no such skill and as such are free to feel the thing unabashedly.

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A relationship is a journey and also a foundation that people build together. A journey that often takes people through their own personal field of emotional landmines.

Those things can be really scary to navigate, as there is no telling when one can so easily explode. And fear not--explode they will.

How do we navigate a field of emotional landmines? By owning up to it.

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People Admit Their Most Unusual Fears
PeopleImages / Getty Images

Everyone is afraid of something, but for most of us it's something that "makes sense" like spiders, snakes, etc. That's not the case for everyone, though.

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This Little Boy Who Shook With Fear At The Thought Of Jumping Off A Diving Board Two Years Ago Is Now An Old Pro

There is no shortage of viral videos on the internet that are here one day, and old news the next.

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