fear for your life

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Photo by Holden Baxter on Unsplash

We all want to believe we are perfectly safe, but the fact is, the world can be a scary and dangerous place sometimes.

For the most part, we can protect ourselves, but sometimes we end up in dangerous situations through no fault of own (or anyone else's).

Redditors are no strangers to situations like these. In fact, some of them have been in actual near-death situations, and they are ready to share those stories.

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People Break Down The Time They Actually Feared For Their Life
Photo by Marvin Zi on Unsplash

Every second of life is precious and every breathe we take is fragile. We often tend to be blind and ignore the fact that every second and every breathe could be our last and final. But once and awhile life will throw us a little something to remind us. When you are in fear for your life it all falls into perspective. And as traumatizing as events like that are we have to look at what we can learn from them.

Redditor u/YachtRockSantaMonica wanted everyone to discuss all the times they felt life was fragile enough to be concerned by asking.... [SERIOUS] What's the SCARIEST thing that has EVER happened where you feared for your life?
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